Sunday 19 February 2012

School Prospectus- using Adobe Photoshop

After many days of working on my school prospectus front page, it is completed. Creating this front page of a school prospectus in preperation for creating the main music magazine front cover, has enabled me to be able to work with Adobe Photoshop more efficiently. If I hadn't created this front cover, it would have proved more difficult to then produce a magazine front cover, and presumably would have taken much longer as I tried to work Adobe Photoshop and the tools on there. The experience of producing a school prospectus has allowed me to be able to identify certain tools on the programme, and therefore when I use Adobe Photoshop in order to create my music magazine front cover, I will be able to find these again. I noticed when working with the images that I had opened into photoshop, that it was difficult to decide on the size of them, as the correct pixels had to be chosen. This took the most time, although now I'm more aware of how to re-size an image more effectively when using Adobe Photoshop. 

Another action that I discovered had to be known when using Adobe Photoshop, was being able to select a certain layer, and edit something on that layer. I learnt through working with layers, that for example if I wanted to edit a certain image, and it was on a seperate layer, I would have to select the layer that the image was in. If this layer wasn't selected, then I wouldn't be able to edit this image. This was evident as I worked on my front cover, and alongside this I was able to identify with other tools. When adding text to the school prospectus front cover, I selected "Horizontal Type Tool", and this enabled me to be able to write text upon the layer. However, I learnt that I had to make sure that in order to move this text, another tool had to be selected; the "Move Tool". In addition to this, I had to ensure that the layer that the text was placed in was selected in order for me to be able to move it.

I learnt was that I could crop an image whilst using Adobe Photoshop. In order to do this, I chose the "Crop Tool", which enabled me to select the section of the image that I wanted, and make sure that the remaining part of it was no longer visible. Another action that I learnt when using Adobe Photoshop was how to take an image that has been opened onto the programme, and paste it into another page that was created. In order to do this, I found out that I had to select the option of "Select", and following this chose "All". Following this selection, everything that was on that page was selected (in this case, the image that I had opened), and I could then selected "Edit", followed by "Copy". By doing this, I was able to paste the image on to the school prospectus front page, as all that had been selected (the image) had been copied. Therefore, when selecting "Edit" again whilst on the school prospectus front cover, the image could be pasted onto the document by selecting "Paste".

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